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How to fix red ring of death (rrod) on xbox 360, quickly

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How to fix red ring of death (rrod) on xbox 360, quickly, cheaply and simply


As you know from these forums I am not a “rich” man nor am I a patient man, however sometimes in life this can have its plus sides.


So when looking to buy an xbox 360 recently, I was offered one free as long as I could fix the Red Ring of Death (RRoD), and I jumped at it.


I spent a little time researching how to fix the RRoD, which happens due to bad design of the case, which in turn causes the Xbox to over heat.


There were lots of fixes requiring specialist kits and tools, also people offering to fix them for you for a fee, but I was now on a mission to do this as quickly and cheaply as I could.


I then came across a video on YouTube that fitted my needs, cheap and quick, but the video itself was missing some large chunks of the info out, so I decided to create this tutorial in the hope that it may help some with the bits I had problems with.



Red Ring of Death

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