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Snoticeleri ayrı pencerede gösterme kodu

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on ^1:SNOTICE:*:{
  if (/whois isin $1-) {
    if ($window(@Whois) == $null) { window -ne @Whois }
    echo 2 -t @Whois 4Whois Çeken Nick 2[ $2 ]4 Ip: 2[ $3 ] | halt
  if (his/her isin $1-) || (Failed isin $1-) || (Denied isin $1-) || (tkl isin $1-) || (Q: isin $1-) || (used isin $1-) || (OperOverride isin $1-) || (Mismatch: isin $1-) || (is now isin $1-) || (Received isin $1-) {
    if ($window(@Opers) == $null) { window -ne @Opers }
    echo 2  @Opers $1- | halt
  if (gecos isin $1-) {
    if ($window(@Bilgi) == $null) { window -ne @Bilgi }
    echo 2 -t @Bilgi 4 Fullname Değişimi:1 $1 tarafından1 $6 $+ 1'nin fullnamesi değiştirilerek:4 $10- 1 $+ yapıldı. | halt  
  if (virtual isin $1-) {
    if ($window(@Bilgi) == $null) { window -ne @Bilgi }
    echo 2 -t @Bilgi 4 Host Değişimi:1 $1 tarafından1 $7 $+ 1'nin hostu değiştirilerek:4 $11- 1 $+ yapıldı. | halt  
  if (Locops isin $1-) {
    if ($window(@UyarI) == $null) { window -ne @UyarI }
    echo 2 -t @UyarI $1- | halt
  if (G:Line isin $1-) || (Z:line isin $1-) || (K:line isin $1-) {
    if ($window(@XLine) == $null) { window -ne @XLine }
    echo 2 -t @XLine $1- | halt
  if (removed isin $1-) {
    if ($window(@XLine) == $null) { window -ne @XLine }
    if (%unbanip isin $1-) || (%xlinex isin $1-) { echo -a *** 12 $+ %xlinex 5Adresinin Banı Açıldı. | unset %xline* | unset %unban* }
    echo 2 -t @XLine $1- | halt
  if (tried isin $1-) {
    if ($window(@baskakanal) == $null) { window -ne @baskakanal }
    echo 2 -t @baskakanal $1- | halt
  if (banned isin $1-) {
    if ($window(@Giris/Cikis) == $null) { window -ne @Giris/Cikis }
    echo 2 -t @Giris/Cikis $1- | halt
  if (obtained isin $1-) {
    if ($window(@SupasGirdi) == $null) { window -ne @SupasGirdi }
    echo 2 -t @SupasGirdi $1- | halt
  if (exiting isin $1-) {
    if ($window(@Giris/Cikis) == $null) { window -ne @Giris/Cikis }
    echo 2 -t @Giris/Cikis  14Çıkış: 7Nick:4[14 $gettok($8,1,33)  4]7 Network:4[14 $7 4] | halt | halt
  if (Connecting isin $1-) {
    if ($window(@Giris/Cikis) == $null) { window -ne @Giris/Cikis }
    echo 2 -t @Giris/Cikis  3Giriş :2 Nick:4[4 $8 4] 2Network:4[3 $7 4] 2Host:4[3 $9 4] | halt
  if (Forbidding isin $1-) || (Q:lined isin $1-) {
    if ($window(@Q-Lined) == $null) { window -ne @Q-Lined }
    echo 2 -t @Q-Lined $1- | halt
  if (Expiring isin $1-) || (Shun isin $1-) {
    if ($window(@XLine) == $null) { window -ne @XLine }
    echo 2 -t @XLine 2Shun :2 Nick:4[4 $6 4] 2Network:4[3 $7 4] 2Uygulayan:4[3 $9 4]  | halt
  if (Spamfilter isin $1-) {
    if ($window(@Spam) == $null) { window -ne @Spam }
    echo 2 -t @Spam $1- 
  if (is now isin $1-) { write oper.txt $date $timestamp $1- }


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