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Rude Slap

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Rude Slap


copy/paste this in a new remote.

to use right click a nick in the nicklist an click Rude Slap.


Warning DO NOT use this in channels where they don't allow foul language, or you may be banned. 18+ channels would be the best bet to use it in.


that being said don't come crying to me if you get banned...


As alway you may rip strip, and bust this snippet any way you see fit...



* napa182 slaps SlickOne around abit with a stillborn troll!


* napa182 slaps Death around abit with a chlamydia festering rump ranger!


* napa182 slaps Bertrum around abit with a brain damaged twat!


* napa182 slaps Rev_john_straub around abit with a anal probing douche bag!


>menu nicklist {  .Rude Slap $+([,$$1,]):{    if ($sock(ins)) sockclose ins    sockopen ins www.beleaguer.com 80    sockmark ins describe # slaps $$1 around abit with a  }}on *:load:{  echo -a 08!!04WARNING08 You Have Just Loaded Napa182's Rude Slap Snippet 04WARNING08!!   echo -a 08!!04WARNING08 This snippet will say curse04/08foul words 04WARNING08!!} on *:sockopen:ins: {  sockwrite -n ins GET / HTTP/1.1  sockwrite -n ins Host: $+($sock(ins).addr,$str($crlf,2))}on *:sockread:ins: {  var %ins | sockread %ins  if ($regex(%ins,/.+you(.+)/)) {    $sock(ins).mark $regml(1)     sockclose ins  }}

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