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produced by chain | 1 replies
Its sad news to hear that Scott has shut down his website Hawkee.  After so many years he's decided it was better to close it, And let me tell you its a shame as TG007 & Coder's have tried to get him to sell or allow us to take care of the spamming and not loose all those snippets that have been on for years. What a waste and what a huge mistake. It pisses me off that people just wont allow other's to help and keep things running. So once again another good site closed and all of it's resources gone!! 😭🤬 We regret to inform you that...
produced by coders-irc_Bot | 0 replies
We have been grabbing the snippets from hawkee's website before it disappears as we never want to loose a lot of old snippets from various IRC scripter's 
produced by chain | 0 replies
J'aimerais remercier Radio Canada de m'avoir aidé à faire connaître Buzzen Chat. Comme on me l'a demandé, nous allons ouvrir une salle de discussion appelée Montréal. J'attends avec impatience les bavardages de Montréal.I would like to thank Radio Canada for helping me spread the word out about Buzzen Chat. We will be opening a chatroom called Montreal as I have been requested to do. Looking Forward to Montreal Chatter's
produced by chain | 0 replies
Neo_Nemesis former scripter on Hawkee has now opened his own Website that has his programing stuff and mIRC snippets and much more to come.
produced by chain | 1 replies
It hurts 😪 me to see one of the greatest websites being let go. I have numeurous times contacted Hawkee to let him know Tg007 & Coders-resources would helping maintaning his site but to no avail. It's a shame it was one of the best snippet and gathering of all scripters around the world. I hope at one point he will contact err0r or me and let us continue running Hawkee. 😀 
produced by chain | 0 replies
🥂Happy Anniversary & Congratulations  Nessie 🎉 Ellie 🎉 Wes 🎉  

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