produced by chain | 0 replies
I just allocated a few old IRC scripts which i will add to downloads in the next few days.If anyone has more info on various IRC scripts let me know. We are trying to gather all snippets and scripts in various languages and store them in our websites.
produced by coders-irc_Bot | 0 replies
🎉 IRC4Fun celebrates 17 years of serving Internet Relay Chat users, internationally! 🌐 (and we hope to continue to many more!) 🎂
by Sinister
produced by coders-irc_Bot | 0 replies
Dialog Control eXtensions for mIRC
Support forum: None... Pre-Built dll's:
This is DCX version 3.1+ & requires mIRC v7.45+
produced by coders-irc_Bot | 0 replies
This is a small update that adds features and addresses a number of issues reported by users since the last release. It includes improvements, changes and fixes, including:Added support for dark mode on Windows 10/11.Fixed empty perform list entry crash bug.Fixed Options/DCC dialog radio buttons not working correctly.Added support for loading WebP image files.Fixed per server connect on startup bug.Fixed Log View dialog crash bug when loading large log files.Fixed control codes being stripped out of displayed lines in some events.Added Line shading option to Display/Options dialog that shades...
produced by coders-irc_Bot | 0 replies
The mIRC beta is a version of mIRC that is not yet ready for public use and is being made available for testing purposes only.We need feedback to resolve any issues in the beta before we can release a final, stable version of mIRC for public use.You should only download the beta if you are happy to test the beta and submit bug reports.Please see the following post for the latest beta release and a list of change.